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Mr Menagerie's Stall for Delicious Scouts
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 294962

Mr Menagerie's Stall for Delicious Scouts is an Event which occurs when choosing the action "Visit Mr Menagerie" at various ports.
Until Mr Menagerie's stall is visited, it will not move on to another port. Once visited, it will change location regardless of whether you buy a Scout.

Locations in Order[ | ]

Story Description[ | ]

The cloaked figure looks up as you approach. Its garnet-hued eyes gleam from the darkness of its hood. "Scouts?" It rasps hopefully, its voice like a cleaver on a whetstone. "We trade scouts. For things and stories." It leans closer to you. "We're leaving soon."

Interactions[ | ]

Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Ambition: Ask Mr Menagerie about the Fire that Follows
Mr Menagerie is not pleased to see Meg. "The Spatchcocker!" it hisses. There is an impasse.
Lost lore
Only when you wheel your stack of Caged Catches forward does Mr Menagerie consent to answer your questions. "The Fire that Follows. Dangerous knowledge for us; more so for you. The Fire is a hunting-flame. It comes for those who know a thing they should not know." It draws back, out of the starlight, "A secret, sworn between suns. The knowledge itself is the scent it follows. And when it has you, the Courtesy will come."
Ask if it knows this secret of the suns
And if it does, why hasn't the Fire come for it?
"Once, I did." Menagerie pulls its hood to one side, revealing a bat-like muzzle, mottled fur, and a livid burn mark across one side of its skull. "Burned it out. Better my fire than theirs."

The hood falls forward. "The flame has your scent?" Menagerie asks.

"No." Meg says. "A friend's. She's missing."

"Ah. Then look for her at the House of Jude, in London. I know its master. I collect my pets, he collects his."
Ask what the Courtesy is
The Masked Citizen is investigating the Courtesy. Perhaps you could learn something useful.
"Don't know. Knew once, but managed to forget." Mr Menagerie shakes its hooded head. "Only a hollow now, where once was knowing. I think... A compact? A law? A living word, spoken into being!" It hisses, as if remembering even this much causes it pain.

"The flame is hunting a friend of hours." Meg says. "She's missing."

"Ah. Then look for her at the House of Jude, in London. I know its master. I collect my pets, he collects his. Now go."
Show Mr Menagerie the Seal of Mr Barleycorn
Is Mr Menagerie one of the seven Mr Barleycorn is looking for?
A hiss; a heavy jab in your ribs. "Put it away! We will not look!" It covers its face with its wing. "We are not ready to look. Still a long way to go. When we rest maybe, maybe then we will be ready."

Game note: Follow Mr Menagerie to the end of its journey. It might be more receptive to the seal then.

Purchase a Diffident Bat
It hides beneath the cloak on Mr Menagerie's shoulder. It occasionally peeks out at you when it thinks you're not looking.
A recalcitrant friend
Mr Menagerie jostles the bat out of his cloak, and encourages it forwards. It pulls up a fold of cloth and digs back underneath it. Flicking the cloth, Mr Menagerie flips the bat out; it hides its face under a wing. Mr Menagerie gathers the bat up and deposits it in your arms with an apologetic shrug. Mr Menagerie begins to gather up its own things, whistling as it does. A chain around its neck rattles as it works.

Game note: The Diffident Bat has limited range, returns after finding one discovery, and conveys little information about what it finds.

Purchase a Star-Smitten Bat
It nestles in the crook of Mr Menagerie's neck, burbling happily. Its eyes gleam with pale fire, like one who has looked too long at a star.
A bedazzled compatriot
Mr Menagerie runs its gloved hand along its shoulder, attempting to encourage the bat to climb on. Eventually, Mr Menagerie is forced to perform an undignified shimmy to roll the bat onto its hand.

As the bat is passed to you, it looks into your face and squeaks. Its pupils shine like cut tourmaline. You are forced to break your gaze after a moment or two: its eyes are uncomfortably bright.

Mr Menangerie begins to gather up its things, in preparation for the next leg of its journey.

Game note: The Star-Smitten Bat has good range, returns after finding one discovery, and conveys little information about what it finds. It requires Mirrors of 25 or more to use.

Purchase an Intrepid Cavy
A large guinea pig wearing a plumed helmet is dozing in a hutch. It is sleeping next to an intricate mechanical bat.
To adventure!
Mr Menagerie extends a long finger to prod the dozing guinea pig.

"Oh!" says the cavy, rubbing sleep from its eyes with a front paw. "I do beg your pardon." It sits upright to address you. "Sir Lionel at your service. Am I to understand you are in need of a valiant Scout? If so, I am the very pig! Just point me in a direction and I will sally forth on my trusty bat!"

Mr Menagerie seems somewhat relieved to pass Sir Lionel on, and begins to gather up its things.

Game note: The Intrepid Cavy has good range, returns after finding one discovery, but conveys more information about what it finds. It requires Mirrors of 50 or more to use.

Purchase a Ratronaut
The rat in the cage at the top of the pile is wearing a miniature sky-suit and a very determined expression.
An eager companion
The Ratronaut glowers as Mr Menagerie scoops it from its cage. "Are we moving again? Can't you find me a locomotive? I want to be in the sky again. I need to feel the light of a star on my tail!"

Mr Menagerie holds the creature up and introduces you. The Ratronaut narrows its beady eyes, considering you. Its decision is made: it jumps onto your shoulder and prods your cheek. "Come on, cap'n. Let's get to it."

Mr Menagerie shakes its head and begins to gather up its things, preparing for the next leg of its journey.

Game note: The Ratronaut has good range, can find up to three discoveries before returning, but conveys little information about what it finds. It requires Mirrors of 75 or more to use.

Listen to a story of things past
Mr Menagerie is keen to tell you a tale from its collection, but requires payment first. "Charity is a crime. The punishment severe."
Changed customs
Mr Menagerie gestures to the spindle of rock that anchors the circus like a stone weighing down an escaping balloon.

"Once, we gathered here. We held our bargains and boasted of our chiefs. Our bands displayed the finest of goods. Our magnanimity was sharp as knives. All knew our worth. Then the light came. They made of our grounds sport. A dancing place. A laughing place. They made bargains of their own."

"And now you do the same," it rasps in tones of mild reproach.
Listen to a story of things past
Mr Menagerie is keen to tell you a tale from its collection, but requires payment first. "Charity is a crime. The punishment severe."
Customs changed
Mr Menagerie gestures to the ruins that loom over the port like the Sphinx outside Thebes.

"We were in service here. Long ago – a bargain struck with the old king in the woods. We served at table. Procured deliciousness. Watched. Witnessed. Feared. Freedom is better."

"Freedom is better," it repeats, in tones of mild admonishment.
Listen to a story of things past
Mr Menagerie is keen to tell you a tale from its collection, but requires payment first. "Charity is a crime. The punishment severe."
The wild delights
Mr Menagerie gestures to the Ormswold, out beyond the cozy confines of the Royal Society.

"Old ground. Hunting ground. When wings spread free and soared, and we were indigo in tooth and claw." Are those teeth you can see below the hood? "When the skies were young. When we were young. Our bargains were savage, our hunts were sacred, we lifted all wings, our appetites naked."

"All gone now. Things change. Time takes all."
Listen to a story of things past
Mr Menagerie is keen to tell you a tale from its collection, but requires payment first. "Charity is a crime. The punishment severe."
New Dawn
Mr Menagerie gestures to the Throne of Hours that scores the horizon like a burst of golden fire.

"Light reigned once. Light hated. No mercy, no bargains. Only judged what is. Now light was. Lights can fail."

Mr Menagerie leans in close, so you are faced with full redness of its eyes; the reek of its breath.

"We are the haunters of dark. We are the shrieks in the voids. We are the peddlers of midnight. We welcomed light's failing. You bargain with us. We supply your needs. You supply ours. Such novelties you bring to our collections."

He brushes an arm (or perhaps a wing, bony and heavy) over your shoulder, and turns away.
Listen to a story of things past
Mr Menagerie is keen to tell you a tale from its collection, but requires payment first. "Charity is a crime. The punishment severe."
A trial
Mr Menagerie shies away from the looming door. It retreats further into its cowl, so even its garnet eyes are lost in the gloom.

"A mistake to come back. A place of chains; a place of servitude; a place of torment. And treachery." This last is intoned in a voice like a toppling tombstone.

"The light binds. The light blinds. All things it places in a chain. Our place is our worth. Some accept; we liberated."
Listen to a story of things past
Mr Menagerie is keen to tell you a tale from its collection, but requires payment first. "Charity is a crime. The punishment severe."
And they were beautiful
Mr Menagerie gestures to the frescoes where devils in rose-masks walk in procession to a great mirror.

"Once they were servants of the light. Their eager seneschals. Their celebrated cupbearers. Their willing chamberlains. But they craved to feast at the banquets they served. They were placed high, but not high enough. They began to dream of a time without chains. And so they fled and so they fell."

"We bear our chains, or we break them. Lest we be broken."
Acquire nothing
You won't be purchasing a new scout today.
Mr Menagerie nods its head. "We are moving elsewhere soon. But we will leave a note saying where we have gone. We will have more things to show. And stories to tell." It turns away, humming an eery tune to itself as it gathers up its things for the next leg of the journey.

Game note: Mr Menagerie will move onto another port.

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Newwinchester ambience Mr Menagerie is Passing Through New Winchester, Circus ambience Mr Menagerie is Passing Through Polmear & Plenty's, Portavon ambience Mr Menagerie is Passing Through Port Avon, Royalsociety ambience Mr Menagerie is Passing Through the Royal Society, London ambience Mr Menagerie is Passing through London, Houseofrodsandchains ambience Mr Menagerie is Passing Through the House of Rods and Chains, Caduceus ambience Mr Menagerie is Passing Through Caduceus
